
Important notice: The maker of the WheelBass wants fellow bassists to enjoy using it, to make transporting the instrument much easier and less problematic. The WheelBass must not be used for anything other than it's designated purpose, as outlined in "How it works". The maker of the WheelBass cannot be held responsible for abuses and misuses of the WheelBass.

The wheelbass costs £85.00 plus delivery charges which depend on the destination. All payments are taken securely through PayPal.

We are very sorry but we have no WheelBasses in stock at the moment. New stock should become available in 2015.

About the Business

The WheelBass is something I feel some musicians might enjoy to make use of, like I do.

As a freelance, self-employed musician myself, the resources and economics involved in producing this item for sale as professionally as possible are somewhat prohibitive.
Nonetheless I have decided to give it a go.

If demand turns out to be stronger than I anticipate, then things would have to move up to the next level, including rights negotiations and a re-think on production methods, all depending.

In the meantime, I ask here that due respect and consideration be given to what is a precarious enterprise, and the rights and physical characteristics of the WheelBass remain exclusively the property of Steve Berry, worldwide.

That said, approaches to discuss further exploitation or licensing of the WheelBass are welcome.

To discuss rights/licensing, or in the unlikely event you have a problem with your WheelBass and need help, please contact me, Steve Berry.